AGM Fellowship Center is a Christ-centered fellowship dedicated truly to the teaching of the Word of God. As well, AGM is the answer to earning your Diploma in Extensive Biblical Studies and Theology entire online with deep understandings. AGM is the most unique and innovative Fellowship Center in the world. Students from everywhere and backgrounds are welcomed. AGM is centered on Jesus Christ. The Bible is our first and foremost book. We utilize excellent textbooks and well thinking authors that help us to understand the Bible and ministry better.
AGM Fellowship Center
AGM is nevertheless a Counseling Center for all in need of special Godly advices.
You can complete your degree with AGM and then move on with your life. AGM is also financially affordable. AGM offers strong, yet practical approach in its Theological and counseling diploma programs. Our goal is to offer a quality program of study at a reasonable contribution.
God is doing exciting things through AGM Fellowship Center. We would like to have you join this energetic society.